
Lunch at Estancia Perales embodies the characteristics of the region and the climatic conditions of the southernmost part of Chile, inviting us to create a menu rich in calorie-dense energy. On the other hand, the traditions of Patagonia—the livestock farming being one of the main economic activities of the region, along with its traditions, such as the gaucho or Patagonian field worker who has the tough job of traversing the fields and caring for the cattle in the face of different weather conditions—all these factors have inspired the lunch at our Estancia, which complements and adds great value to the excursion to the Balmaceda and Serrano glaciers.


Starter: To warm up after a great day of excursion sailing through the cold Patagonian channels, Estancia Perales welcomes its guests with a Carbonada, a typical regional soup made from beef and seasonal vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, peas, among others. Accompanying this starter, on the tables, there is homemade bread and the famous “Pebre,” a typical sauce, somewhat spicy, made with vegetable ingredients such as chili, onion, tomato, cilantro, garlic, etc. As a vegetarian option, we offer a creamy vegetable soup made from the different vegetables that the garden provides us according to the season.

Main Course: Patagonian lamb on the grill, accompanied by potatoes and garden salads.

* Optional: Chicken

* Vegetarian Option: Sautéed vegetables seasoned with different spices and aromatic herbs from our own garden. It is also served with potatoes and salads.

Dessert: To finish the lunch, the Estancia offers Patagonia berries dessert, which consists of a delicious lemon mousse based on milk, a sweet, light, and refreshing option after a powerful high-calorie lunch.

The menu also includes a drink or a glass of wine.